SAVANNAH, GA | JULY 20-23, 2017
Conference Overview
Welcome to the website for the 2017 Annual Conference in Savannah, GA. Please use the information on these pages to stay informed about conference details, registration materials and to submit your registration to join us for this year's conference. Partners and children are welcome to enjoy the festivities and local fun of Savannah!
2017 Conference Theme
Retooling, Refueling, Recommitting to African American Women in the 21st Century
Conference Schedule and Events
Details coming soon!
Follow our Facebook Page to stay abreast of updates to the schedule!
Conference Registration and Membership Dues
Register for the 2017 Annual Conference by May 20th for the best rates for individual and spouse registration.
Download form here (.pdf)
Call for 2017 Position Papers
The Consortium of Doctors is accepting position papers to be presented during the 26th Annual Conference in Savannah Georgia, at the Hyatt Hotel, July 20-23, 2017). We invite submissions of 2-5-page position papers addressing topics and issues related to our mission, or those related to this year’s conference theme. Accepted papers will be presented during the Think Tank Session on Friday afternoon, July 21st. Deadline for submission: May 19, 2017
Nominate New Members
Membership in COD is by nomination only. If you know of an individual that you believe represents the mission and purpose of COD please use this form to submit their nomination. Deadline for 2017 Induction is April 30th, 2017.